Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Paradise Kingdom is upon us!

I believe about 2,000 years ago someone was wondering Galilee and the surrounding areas teaching a message so radical it transformed the Roman empire in about 300 years. I believe this someone is who we call Jesus the Christ. By the way, this someone's name most definitely was not Jesus, per se.

Upon one of my first epiphanies regarding what I believe is true Christianity was that Jesus, considered by many to be God, gave a New Commandment in the Gospel According to John during what we would consider the 'Last Supper'. Interestingly enough Jesus gives a NEW commandment during His last meal with His Friends and the main take away is something which has been transformed into a tradition we know as communion. More interesting still is that Jesus gives this NEW commandment twice and one of the times he proclaims "By THIS (new commandment) the WORLD will know you are my disciples. The New Commandment being "Love each other the way that I (Jesus) love you... greater love have no one than this, that man should lay down His life for His Friends."

Monday, September 15, 2008

Why should you vote

If someone was to vote, I think that they should only vote based on principle. My reason being that I really don't think anyone's vote counts. I believe this to be the case for 3 different reasons. Your vote gets lost amongst many "uninformed voters". Vote counting computers can be and probably are rigged. The United States is owned and operated by a quite and elite group.

First, and foremost, most of the people who vote do not really care. Sure they probably would say that they do care, but the truth is when it come to "putting their money where their mouth is" they come up short. If they really did care wouldn't they get more involved in learning about the different candidates? Wouldn't they seek to educate themselves about their gov? Truth is most people rely on the information that is given to them by the mainstream media which is bought and paid for by commercial interests (to say the least) and those commercial interests are going to make sure "their guy" wins. Then you have people who are as loyal to thier party as many people are with thier sports teams. This simply does not make since people's lives are at stake and both parties are practically vote the same. Not to mention the majority of people only pay attention to the big elections. This is not good since congress is supposed to be equal in power to the president.

Next, it has been shown and testified that the computer systems that count our votes (not the touch screen computers) can be rigged. Next time you vote watch what they do with your ballot. They feed it through a machine and then put it in a safe keeping box. The machine reads your vote and then tabulates it with the rest. I have seen a youtube video of a county official allowing a hacker to compromise an officail voting machine. He said it was not hard at all. There is another video of a man testifying that he developed a program for a congressman for testing purposes but then was asked to use the program for the congressman LIVE.

Last, you must consider that the United States is in debt and that the borrower is servant to the lender. Pull out a dollar bill and read the name above "United States of America". It says Federal Reserve. This is the central bank of the United States. It is privately owned and operated. Not even the President has the ability to find out who essentially owns the 13 banks that operate the Federal Reserve. Not to mention that the same people who created the Federal Reserve also created the secretive private organization "the Council on Foriegn Relations" aka 'the CFR' among the members are many politicians and mainstream media corporations. That is enough to say for my purposes here.

If you are going to vote, vote your conscience and that way when 'so and so' screws things up you can say "I didn't vote for him!" 

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Special effects news tonight

So I was at Trader Joe's today and the cashier and I got into a conversation about the just released Spider Man 3 and all of the new cool special effects.

As I often do, I made an off the wall comment. "Yeah, special effects are getting REALLY good. It is almost too hard to tell what is real and what is not in these movies. Kinda scary if we had a totalitarian government that wanted to lie to us; what they could do with special effects."

Just think of all the wonderful propaganda the GOV could make. You could have crowds of supporters with no one there. You could have the Russians invade without an invasion and tell everyone to evacuate into a large building.

Just look at 'The War of the Worlds' radio broadcast on Halloween of 1938. People were stirred to mass hysteria by radio. Now that we have such realistic special effects imagine the same broadcast over T.V. Or if the GOV really wanted to scare us into our houses what kind of "WAR" footage they could make. No wonder some people believe that we never landed on the moon.

P.S. I think that the newest movie, "War of the World's" with Tom Cruise, should have been shot like a news broadcast.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Home of the brave?

I gave a copy of the movie 'Freedom to Fascism' to a few people I know. The common comment that I received was: "I am still going to pay my income taxes because I am afraid of the IRS."

We live in fear. We are no longer "the home of the brave" like our national anthem claims. We do things, not because they absolutely make sense to us but because we are afraid of what will happen if we don't conform.

Income taxes. Driver's License. Automobile registration. Social Security. Etc.

I am in the same boat.

However, I am getting closer and closer to throwing myself overboard and making my own boat or finding a better one.

The We Control

It is interesting that it seems that we, as consumers, are gaining more control. At least that is what we are being told. For example, CURRENT TV. You can upload a video that you have made and people can vote if it is worthy of TV. If it is, it gets aired on a cable station controlled by CURRENT TV which is GOOGLE.

So YAY we have control. But do we really? Control of what? Control of our choices but not necessarily our options. Sure we may be able to some what control what we consume and what we buy...

It is not exactly clear to me what is going on BUT it does seem that if I were the one who is really in control and I had other people who wanted to be in control; I would simply give them the illusion of control. This way they may be satisfied and not take away my control.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Dream Riddle

I had a dream today ("last night") which had a riddle in it. The dream was mostly Wizard of Oz themed; yellow brick road, munchkins, wizard etc. So I was waiting to see the wizard, I forget why. However, when I was allowed to see the Wizard I had to answer a riddle before he would answer my question. It seemed like in my dream I knew the answer and it was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't quite get it. In the dream it seemed as if the riddle was very familiar. From one of the Oz books I have read?

The Wizard looked tall and menacing. He looked like a dark Pinocchio in the face and had long fingers that looked like black sticks which he wiggled at me as he told me the riddle in a haunting voice:

"If you know me, you know my name; and it is the average conjecture on everyone's tongue."

Interestingly, the dream itself wasn't very scary.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Unleash the PIRATES

I was driving home tonight listening to NPR and they were talking about "media piracy" or more specifically; music piracy. They were talking about how this is damaging the industry and that these corporations are losing millions of dollars.

Interesting enough I have yet to hear of any benefits to such activity. I think that there are positives to this new digital world that we live in. I think the main thing about piracy and more specifically the music industry is that it may lead to freeing music from greed and control. If music becomes free than people may actually develop music worth listening too. And with the advent of YouTube and the like we may see decent video also.

I see piracy as destroying the corporate greed and liberating the artist. Also I see more artists having a chance. We may see artists that actually are in it for the art and not just for the money. How they will eat? I know not. But isn't that always a problem with the majority of artists anyway? Haha.


Saturday, January 20, 2007

The power to do great things.

It seems to me that everyone has the power to do great things. By great I mean enormous and life changing. The ability to change the world. Simply think about all the great people in our history. Most of them didn't do anything that you and I can't do. Martin Luther King told people about his dream. Rosa Parks refused to move. Ghandi and Jesus spoke for the down trodden and against the establishment. Most people who do great things aren't from any GREAT background in fact many of them are poor and have as many obstacles in life than we do, if not more.

Unfortunately this power, to do something great, can also be used for evil. Look at Hitler and the like.

Someone once told me something really profound. She it was a Buddhist proverb. "Be the change you want to see in the world." Also another great quote that I got off a friend's Myspace account. "Dare to manifest thine own self."

Let this challenge you. And ask yourself, "Why can't I do something great?" And then go out and make a dent in the world.